Deploying ‘docker-compose’ Files on Amazon ECS – A Step-by-Step Guide
AWS ECS allows you to run and manage Docker containers on clusters of AWS EC2 instances. This is done using task definition files: JSON files holding data describing the containers needed to run a service. It is the AWS equivalent of your everyday docker-compose file....
How to Set up a Vagrant Dev Environment – A Step-by-Step Guide
Today, we are going to learn how to setup an environment with the awesome tool that any DevOps should know, Vagrant. Behind this name is a wonderful software which automates the use of virtual machines (VMs) to create reproducible environments on-the-fly. By creating...
How to Set up a Docker Swarm Cluster – A Step-by-Step Guide
You have probably all heard about Docker, the tool that allow every DevOps to automate the deployment of an application with a disconcerting speed. It's a kind of virtualization that allow independent "containers" to run within a single Linux instance. So having said...
How to Send Sensu Events to InfluxDB
Sensu event handlers are for taking action on sensu events (produced by check results), such as sending an email alert, or storing metrics in InfluxDB. There are several types of handlers: pipe, tcp, udp, transport, and set. TCP and UDP handlers send the event data to...
How to Send Sensu Events to Elasticsearch
When we talk about log management, we talk about dealing with a large amount of computer-generated files and how to collect them, how to centralize them, how to aggregate them and how to analyze them. Logs can be produced everywhere by different types of systems....
Use Salt-Cloud to Automatically Deploy New AWS instances
This article is the secondĀ one of a series showing how to use cloud-computing in media and entertainment (M&E workflow). The first article explained you how to complete a very basic setup of your AWS infrastructure and create a bastion/jump server. Now, we will...