by TrackIt | Apr 1, 2020 | White Papers
Download PDF Services Being Hosted The client website, a Magento ecommerce store, written in PHP The Product Information Management (PIM) system, which provides manipulation of the product sets without requiring access to the store backend Client’s Custom...
by TrackIt | Mar 26, 2020 | Blogs
The goal of this tutorial is to return a “Hello World” if you connect and authenticate successfully to our 100% serverless application. You will discover in this article how to take advantage of AWS Cognito, deploy an AWS API Gateway and a few lambda functions through...
by TrackIt | Mar 5, 2020 | White Papers
Download PDF The Growing Need For A Simple VOD Solution At TrackIt, we have experienced a growing number of content creators looking for an easy to use and simple VOD solution they can implement to start sharing their content with users. As of September 2019, there...
by TrackIt | Feb 25, 2020 | Case Studies
DOWNLOAD PDF In August of 2019, Pixelogic Media was in the throes of a full-blown data storage crisis. Having noticed that almost 100 percent of on-prem storage space was being used, Rick Soto, VP of Global IT Infrastructure at Pixelogic Media recognized the pressing...
by TrackIt | Feb 19, 2020 | White Papers
Download PDF Deploying an Ephemeral Parallel File System for High Performance Computing Building public cloud High Performance Computing (HPC) environments that require fast parallel file system access hasn’t always been easy. While it’s a relatively simple task to...