Over the past few years, we at TrackIt have noticed an increasing demand for a solution that would enable content creators to quickly set up and launch their own Netflix-like websites where they can display and manage their video assets and live streams. Despite the overwhelming demand for such a solution, the daunting challenge of building such a platform entirely from scratch has prevented the consideration of such an effort as a viable option for many of our clients. Well, not anymore.

Trackflix aims to fill this gap by providing content creators across industries with an affordable, prebuilt, and customizable solution that they can leverage to quickly launch their own custom video libraries within a matter of hours.

What is Trackflix?

Trackflix is an all-in-one platform that allows content creators to quickly set up and launch their own customized Netflix-like video library to showcase and manage all their video assets from one location. Trackflix was designed to provide the average content creator with an inexpensive, easy-to-use, and flexible video-library solution that can quickly be deployed to start displaying VOD assets and live streams.

Who is Trackflix For?

Trackflix is an ideal choice for any company engaged in content creation looking to create their own external-facing VOD libraries accessible to outside audiences. However, Trackflix can also be leveraged by enterprises solely for internal purposes as well.

For instance, Trackflix could be the ideal fit for a medium-to-large-sized enterprise looking to streamline the cataloging and management of its in-house communications, training, or marketing video assets. Trackflix’s cost-effectiveness makes it an attractive option for companies in need of a highly effective yet affordable tool to streamline media asset sharing and management.

Trackflix Features

Trackflix comes equipped with the following features:

Fully-Managed Video Player

Trackflix uses VideoJS, a very popular, fully-managed, open-source HTML5 player framework that provides users with all the capabilities needed for seamless and high-quality video streaming.

image 16
Trackflix Video Player

Video Preview

Users can preview clips for video assets when they hover their cursors over video thumbnails.

Video Preview

Background Showcase

Content creators can choose to showcase specific videos on the background of their homepage just like on Netflix.

Basckground showcase example
Background Showcase

Permission Management

Trackflix allows content managers to provide users with either ‘Basic’ or ‘Administrator’ level permissions. ‘Basic’ users can only view previously uploaded content. Administrator-level users can additionally upload, modify, and delete videos.

AWS cognito screenshot
AWS cognito screenshot
Aws cognito screenshot
Permission Management

Live Streaming

Trackflix uses Amazon Interactive Video Service (IVS) to create the RTMP URL that provides a connection to users’ video player instance.

Trackflix livestream screenshot
Live Streaming on Trackflix

Video Section Management (Admin panel)

Trackflix allows users to categorize their video assets by assigning them to specific ‘Sections’. Each section has its own slider on the home page. Administrative users can easily modify, update, and manage these sections from the Admin panel.

Admin panel screenshot
Assigning Videos to Specific Sections
Admin panel screenshot
Video Section Management

Automated Transcoding

Trackflix leverages AWS Amplify Video to transcode uploaded videos and automatically creates an HLS playlist to provide video on demand.

Indexing and Search Capabilities

The Trackflix search bar allows users to quickly sift through their video libraries to find video assets using video titles or section names.

Trackflix search page screenshot
Trackflix Search

Simplified Video Library Management

Trackflix enables administrative users to create, modify, and delete video assets very easily.

List of Videos

Section Management

Users with administrative privileges can also create, modify, and delete sections with ease.

Admin panel section management screenshot
List of Videos
Admin panel section management screenshot

How to Get Started with Trackflix

Here is how to get started with Trackflix hosted on your own AWS account today. As an option, TrackIt will also host the site as a managed service (please contact sales@trackit.io directly for questions and implementation)

Step 1: Create a User Account and Log in to the Website

1) Go to the Trackflix website

2) Click on the user icon as seen in the screenshot below

User Icon

3) Click on Create account:

Account creation

4) Fill in the form and click on Create account:

Create account

5) You should receive a confirmation code via email, paste it in the field and confirm:

Confirmation code

Step 2: Give Admin Permissions to Your Existing AWS Account

  1. Go to the Cognito console on your AWS account. (Make sure that the correct region for your use is selected)
  2. Click on Manage User Pools
Manage User Pools

3. Click on the user pool created by Amplify (The Trackflix one in our case):

Trackflix User Pool

4. Select Users and groups in the menu on the left:

Users and groups

5. Go to the Groups tab and click on Admin:

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Admin Group

6. Click on Add users, then click on the + close to the user you want to give admin permissions to (the test user in the example below):

Admin Permissions

You should now have a user with admin permissions. To see if it worked, log out of Trackflix and log back in with the admin’s user credentials. You should now be able to see the Admin panelbutton next to the Search bar:

Admin Panel Button

Step 3: Create a New Section and Upload a Video using the Back Office:

Go to the back office by clicking on the Admin button in the menu and click on Sections:

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Click on Create to create a new section:please publish your article! very good

Creating a New Section

Give the new section a title and a description and click on Save:

Section Title and Description

You should have successfully created a new section. Here’s what it looks like on the Sections list:

New Section Added to List

You can choose to edit or delete the section:

Edit or Delete Section

Step 4: Create a Video and Associate it with the Section You’ve Created

In the Admin panel, select Videos in the menu and click on Create:

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Enter video details and then drag and drop the video file. Once complete, click on Save:

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Adding a New Video File

Your video should start uploading. Once it’s done, you should be able to see the video in the section you created on the Homepage:

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New Video under New Section

Step 5: Highlight a Video to Showcase it on the Homepage:

Go to the Admin panel, select the Videos category and click on the video you want to showcase:


Turn on the Highlight toggle and click on Save:

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Highlight toggle to Showcase Video on Homepage
  1. The video should now be showcased on the Homepage
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Video Showcased on the Homepage

Trackflix, The Ideal Solution for Someone Looking for a Pre-Built, Yet Customizable Solution

Designed with the average content creator in mind, Trackflix is the ideal solution for companies who want to launch their own Netflix-like video libraries without having to build something from scratch. Despite being a pre-built “70% ready solution”, Trackflix provides users with the necessary flexibility and customization features they desire to create their own unique and bespoke video libraries.

Get started with Trackflix here.

About TrackIt

TrackIt is an international AWS cloud consulting, systems integration, and software development firm headquartered in Marina del Rey, CA.

We have built our reputation on helping media companies architect and implement cost-effective, reliable, and scalable Media & Entertainment workflows in the cloud. These include streaming and on-demand video solutions, media asset management, and archiving, incorporating the latest AI technology to build bespoke media solutions tailored to customer requirements.

Cloud-native software development is at the foundation of what we do. We specialize in Application Modernization, Containerization, Infrastructure as Code and event-driven serverless architectures by leveraging the latest AWS services. Along with our Managed Services offerings which provide 24/7 cloud infrastructure maintenance and support, we are able to provide complete solutions for the media industry.