Links to Previous Volumes

Volume 1: AI/ML and Data Analytics

Volume 2: Broadcast & Live Remote Production

Direct-to-Consumer (D2C) & Streaming

With the ever-increasing demand for digital content, Direct to Consumer (D2C) and Over-The-Top (OTT) technologies have become the go-to solution for content providers and viewers alike. D2C refers to the delivery of audio, video, and other media content over the internet without the need for a traditional cable or satellite TV service. The delivery method has revolutionized media consumption by providing increased choice and flexibility. 

D2C and OTT operate on various business models, each with its implications for how content is monetized:

AVOD (Ad-Supported Video On Demand): AVOD platforms offer free content to viewers, generating revenue through targeted advertising. This model allows a wide audience to access content on-demand with no or minimal subscription fees, and the majority of revenue is generated by ads during viewing.

SVOD (Subscription Video On Demand): SVOD services require viewers to pay a monthly or annual subscription fee to access a library of content. This model ensures a steady stream of revenue and allows for the development of  exclusive, high-quality content to attract and retain subscribers.

TVOD (Transactional Video On Demand): TVOD platforms offer content on a pay-per-view or rental basis, allowing viewers to purchase or rent specific titles. This model offers immediate revenue for individual content pieces but may require robust marketing to attract users.

FAST (Free Ad-Supported Streaming TV): FAST services combine elements of AVOD and traditional television, providing free, ad-supported streaming of linear TV channels and on-demand content. These platforms monetize through advertising while offering a traditional TV experience over the internet.

The shift to D2C streaming and OTT has significantly lowered barriers to entry for content creators, allowing them to utilize cloud-based services such as AWS to expand their offerings as their audience grows. This democratization of content distribution has disrupted traditional broadcasting business models, and provided opportunities for both established networks and emerging players to thrive in an evolving media landscape.

Advantages of D2C or OTT on AWS

Scalability and Reach: Effortless scaling of services and the ability to reach a global user base without geographical limitations.

Cost-Effective Delivery: Reduced upfront costs by eliminating the need for expensive on-premise hardware and infrastructure, allowing entry into new markets more accessible.

Personalized Engagement: Ability to engage viewers on a personalized level through tailored recommendations and interactive features, enhancing user satisfaction and loyalty.

Analytics and Insights: Helps gain valuable viewer insights, ensuring the optimization of content strategies and consistent adaptation to shifting viewer preferences.

Monetization Opportunities: Platform to implement diverse monetization options, including subscription models, pay-per-view, and targeted advertising, enabling the creation of multiple revenue streams.

Data Harvesting: The collection of customer, content, and ops data facilitates effective customer profiling and enhanced engagement through targeted content and ads.

Essential Components of a D2C or OTT Platform

Content Management System (CMS)A CMS forms the backbone of an OTT platform, allowing the uploading, organization, and management of video content. A secure and scalable CMS can be built using a suite of AWS services including S3, CloudFront, EFS, RDS, Cognito, EC2, ELB, and more. 
The entire infrastructure can be deployed and managed using a CloudFormation or Terraform template.
Third party solutions such as Brightcove, Nomad, and can also be used.
Video Encoding and Transcoding
Videos need to be encoded and transcoded into various formats and bitrates to ensure smooth streaming across multiple devices and network conditions.
AWS Elemental MediaConvert can be used to transcode videos into suitable formats.
AWS Elemental MediaLive can be used to encode video in real time, compressing live sources into high-quality streams.
Content Delivery Network (CDN):
Efficiently distributes video content to geographically distributed users through reduced buffering and improved delivery speed.
Amazon CloudFront can be leveraged to distribute content globally at low latencies.
Media Player
A reliable media player that supports adaptive streaming is crucial for delivering video content to users across different devices and screen sizes.

AWS does not directly provide a media player but offers services such as AWS Elemental MediaPackage and Elemental MediaConvert to optimize content delivery and format adaptation for different devices and networks.
AWS Elemental MediaLive can be used for ABR encoding/transcoding.
A table comparing video players latencies can be found below.

User Authentication and Authorization

Implementing secure user authentication and authorization mechanisms help protect content from unauthorized access.

Amazon Cognito or Okta (Auth0) can help manage user authentication and enforce access controls for content protection and Amazon Verified Permissions helps manage permissions.
Authorization mechanisms can also be implemented using Amazon CloudFront Origin Access Control with CloudFront Trusted Key Groups as signers.
Payment Gateway

For premium content or subscription-based services, a secure payment gateway is required to handle transactions.
AWS Lambda, Amazon API Gateway, and Amazon DynamoDB can be used to build the backend logic and handle communication between the application and the payment gateway (Stripe, PayPal, Braintree, etc.).
InPlayer (now part of JW Player) can also be leveraged for this purpose.
Monetization Options
Solution architecture needs to support the chosen monetization model (subscriptions, pay-per-view, ad-based revenue).

AWS Lambda, Amazon API Gateway, and Amazon DynamoDB help build secure payment processing logic, facilitating various monetization models such as subscriptions, pay-per-view, and ad-based revenue.
AWS Elemental MediaTailor can be leveraged for targeted advertising through manifest manipulation and also for building/scheduling FAST channels.
Analytics and Reporting
Implementing analytics such as user behavior, engagement, and performance metrics helps gain insights into platform performance and user preferences.

Data from the video player can be sent to Kinesis Firehose and stored in an Amazon S3 data lake for analytics and reporting.
Content Rights Management
When dealing with licensed content, a robust content rights management system helps manage and enforce rights associated with videos.
AWS Elemental MediaPackage allows for the secure preparation and delivery of video content while enforcing access controls and permissions to ensure compliance with content rights agreements.
SPEKE (Secure Packager and Encoder Key Exchange) streamlines content encryption by replacing complex combinations of proprietary API integrations among various multi-DRM vendor key servers and encryptors with a unified open API based on industry standards.
Cross-Platform SupportThe OTT platform needs to be accessible across various devices, including smartphones, tablets, smart TVs, and web browsers.AWS Elemental MediaPackage can be used to securely and reliably prepare and deliver video content to a wide range of devices.
Recommendation Engine
A recommendation engine can enhance user experience by suggesting personalized content and ads based on user preferences and behavior.
AWS Elemental MediaTailor allows for custom ad insertion based on user preferences and behavior. Personalize can be used to display content on the platform based on user preferences.
User Interface and User Experience Design
A user-friendly and visually appealing interface is vital for attracting and retaining users.
AWS Amplify Studio can be used to design and create intuitive user interfaces for enhanced user experience. 
Customer Support
Providing customer support channels helps address user inquiries, technical issues, and gather feedback.
Amazon Connect offers a cloud-based solution for seamless and efficient customer support interactions.
Security Measures
Implementing robust security measures such as data encryption, application firewalls, and managed DDoS protection helps protect the platform from piracy, content theft, and cyberattacks.
AWS WAF, AWS Shield, and Amazon GuardDuty provide comprehensive security against threats and assist in safeguarding platform integrity.
Backend InfrastructureA scalable and reliable backend infrastructure is necessary to handle increasing user traffic and ensure platform stability.Elastic Load Balancers, Amazon API Gateway, and Amazon CloudFront help ensure seamless scalability and high availability for optimal platform performance.
Licensing and Legal Compliance
Infrastructure and application architecture need to comply with all relevant legal and regulatory requirements.

AWS Config Conformance Packs, AWS Audit Manager, and AWS Security Hub support OTT licensing and legal compliance by facilitating resource configuration enforcement, automated audit management, and centralized security monitoring, ensuring adherence to industry regulations and best practices.
AWS Artifact enables access to compliance reports such as SOC reports. Additional services and features such as AWS CloudTrail, S3 Object Lock, and CloudFront Geo Restriction can aid in maintaining legal and regulatory compliance.
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OTT Platform Components

Video Player End-to-End Latency Comparison Table

Workflow scenariohls.js(v1.4.2)Apple AVPlayer(v16.5)Exoplayer(v2.18.6)
1 second partial segments5.0s5.95s4.04s
2 second partial segments8.0s9.75s5.32s
Workflow scenarioTHEOPlayer(v4.11)JW Player(v8.27)
1 second partial segments4.70s5.90s
2 second partial segments6.06s9.45s

Best Practices for D2C and OTT Implementations on AWS

Fault Tolerance

Creating an architecture that can withstand possible failures within the system ensures that content is delivered without disruption. To achieve this, it is essential to leverage AWS services such as Amazon Elastic Load Balancer (ELB) and AWS Auto Scaling to ensure automatic scaling up or down based on demand. Furthermore, adopting a high-availability approach across multiple regions enhances fault tolerance, ensuring continuous service availability even when faced with regional outages or failures. It is also recommended to implement STANDARD pipeline with AWS MediaLive, it allows to implement pipeline redundancy by setting up a channel with two encoding pipelines. If the current pipeline fails, the downstream system can detect that it is no longer receiving content and can switch to the other output. 


Automating the provisioning, management, and monitoring of services reduces the need for manual intervention and ensures that applications are always up and running:

  • AWS CloudFormation can be used to deploy and manage infrastructure as code (IaC).
  • AWS SSM can be leveraged to monitor, configure, and manage resources (and take action)
  • Amazon CloudWatch can be used to consistently monitor the performance of applications. 

Security & Access Control

Implementing the following AWS services helps ensure robust protection and controlled access to an OTT platform:

  • AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM): Enables precise control over user and application access to resources within the OTT infrastructure. By defining granular permissions and roles, IAM ensures that only authorized entities can interact with services and data within the platform.
  • Amazon Virtual Private Cloud (VPC): Creates an isolated network environment, segregating OTT resources from the public internet. Implementing a VPC adds an extra layer of protection by allowing for the definition of network configurations and access controls to safeguard sensitive data and applications.
  • AWS Web Application Firewall (WAF): Provides real-time protection against web-based attacks by enabling the creation of rules to filter and monitor incoming web traffic. WAF helps shield an OTT platform from common threats such as SQL injection and cross-site scripting (XSS) attacks.
  • Amazon GuardDuty: Employs intelligent threat detection to identify suspicious and malicious activities in an OTT environment. By continuously monitoring logs and network traffic, GuardDuty enhances platform security posture and helps respond to potential threats swiftly.
  • AWS Shield: Safeguards against Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attacks, ensuring the availability of services. With both AWS Shield Standard and AWS Shield Advanced options, an OTT platform can be protected from various types of DDoS attacks, helping maintain uninterrupted content delivery.
  • Amazon Verified Permissions: Enhances OTT security and access control by offering a scalable permissions management and authorization solution. Verified Permissions helps build secure solutions faster by externalizing authorization and centralizing policy management, enabling the implementation of precise access controls aligned with Zero Trust principles.

OTT Solution Example: Trackflix

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Trackflix is an open-source platform that allows for the rapid setup of a customized Netflix-like video library to showcase and manage video assets from one location. The solution is designed to provide the average content creator with an inexpensive, easy-to-use, and flexible video library solution that can quickly be deployed to display VOD assets and live streams. 

The solution has undergone significant enhancements in 2023, introducing a robust Content Management System (CMS) alongside improved analytics capabilities. These additions empower content creators with efficient live channel scheduling, VOD uploading, and genre/category management. Complemented by an enhanced user interface featuring content organization by genre and category, as well as the incorporation of background and preview videos, Trackflix now offers a comprehensive and user-centric platform. The upgraded analytics ensure a deeper understanding of user behavior, making Trackflix not only a content management solution but also a data-informed and user-friendly streaming platform.

How Does Trackflix Stack Up Against Conventional Media Distribution Platforms?

Media distributionVideo on demand (VOD)and Live Streaming Video on demand (VOD)and Live Streaming  Video on demand (VOD)and Live Streaming (requires a subscription)Video on demand (VOD) and Live Streaming
Content RestrictionCustomizable (public, private, and secured by a signed URL)Public, private and unlistedPublic, private, and unlistedPublic, private, and unlisted
Live Video Streaming LatencyNormal Latency, Low Latency and Ultra Low Latency (~2 seconds)Normal Latency, Low Latency and Ultra Low Latency (~2 seconds)Normal Latency, Low Latency and Ultra Low Latency (~2 seconds)Normal and Low Latency
Solution TypeFully customizable – complete ownershipSaaS-based solutionSaaS-based solutionSaaS-based solution
CustomizationNearly unlimitedLimited to Youtube featuresLimited to Vimeo featuresLimited
Video PlayerCustom Amazon IVS Player (low latency)Proprietary Video PlayerProprietary Video PlayerProprietary Video Player
CDNTwitch InfrastructureYouTube CDNVimeo CDNOthers CDN
Cost EffectivenessCost-EffectiveFreeExpensiveExpensive
AnalyticsAdvanced analytics capabilitiesPublic, private, and unlistedBasic analytics capabilitiesN.A.

Trackflix CMS (2023 Update)

The newly introduced Trackflix CMS streamlines content management with efficient live channel scheduling, ensuring optimal content planning and delivery. The platform facilitates seamless Video on Demand (VOD) uploading, fostering a dynamic and accessible content library. Additionally, the CMS offers advanced content management capabilities, allowing for precise control over genres, categories, and user permissions.

Trackflix Analytics (2023 Update)

Trackflix Analytics offers valuable insights into user behavior and ensures the overall health of the platform. They focus on two key aspects, operational and application metrics. Operational metrics provide essential information about scalability and infrastructure performance, enabling timely responses to potential challenges such as cyber threats and resource limitations. On the other hand, application metrics play a pivotal role in marketing efforts by identifying popular genres and categories, empowering the platform to deliver personalized recommendations and targeted advertising through Dynamic Ad Insertion (DAI).

The integration of automated log alerts based on metric limits further enhances efficiency for DevOps or IT teams, making Trackflix Analytics an indispensable tool for both performance optimization and strategic marketing initiatives.

Media Distribution – VOD and Live Streaming

Like YouTube and Vimeo, Trackflix provides both Video-on-Demand (VOD) and Live Streaming capability, but offers full control and customizability.

Content Restriction – Granular Access Controls & User Rights Management

Like YouTube and Vimeo, Trackflix allows users to restrict content access. Trackflix users can choose to make their video assets public or private. In addition, it also gives users the additional flexibility to customize content access on a granular level such as providing restricted access to select audiences based on their subscription type.

As discussed above, Trackflix CMS also enables: 

  • User roles and permissions management for administrators and content managers
  • Support for access control and restriction for specific content or features

Live Video Streaming Latency – On Par with Big Platforms

Like YouTube and Vimeo, Trackflix offers three options for live streaming latency: 

  • Normal Latency: Ideal for live streams with no audience interaction. This is the highest quality setting and has the lowest amount of buffering. 
  • Low Latency: Ideal for near real-time interactivity during live streams. This setting allows minimal viewer buffering while maintaining quality.
  • Ultra-low Latency: Ideal for highly-interactive live streams. This setting helps maximize engagement but may increase the chances of buffering.

The latency options that Trackflix provides are on par with big platforms like YouTube and Vimeo. Trackflix users can rest assured that there is no compromise in regards to video latency or viewer experience.

Solution Type – Complete Ownership & Backed by AWS Services

YouTube and Vimeo are SaaS-based solutions, enabling users to get started with their video libraries without having to worry about IT infrastructure and maintenance costs. However, users are restricted to what the platform offers and have to store data in a provider-controlled database. Trackflix, on the other hand, is a fully-customizable solution backed by AWS services that gives companies the ability to fully own their streaming platform.

Trackflix leverages the following AWS Services: 

Customization – Unlimited

The primary drawback of off-the-shelf solutions like YouTube and Vimeo is the limited flexibility they offer. One of the key differentiating factors between Trackflix and other solutions in the marketplace is that Trackflix offers nearly unlimited customization. Companies can personalize the platform to ensure the look and feel of the interface reflects their brand identity. Companies can also set up multiple subscription levels with granular access controls that enable them to seamlessly engage with multiple audiences without any unwanted overlaps. 

The ever-evolving AWS ecosystem also opens the door to any and all customization possibilities. Companies can choose to leverage additional AWS services to extend the functionality of Trackflix. For instance, companies interested in starting streaming websites can choose to build analytics pipelines that gather viewer data in order to offer better content suggestions and enable better decision-making or add AI/ML services as part of their normal video publishing process. AWS services could also be leveraged to build custom alerts on any trigger imaginable, implement custom reporting, add paywalls to monetize specific content, add archiving capabilities, and the list goes on.

Scalability – Automatic

Trackflix is a serverless solution that scales seamlessly and automatically to maintain steady and predictable performance. 

Video Player – Customizable Amazon IVS Low Latency Player

Solutions like YouTube and Vimeo have their own proprietary video players and companies are restricted to the video player interface that’s offered. Even when embedding YouTube videos on other websites,the same YouTube video player interface and branding is mandated. Trackflix leverages an open-source Video Player made by Amazon IVS that offers low latency and customization potential.

Content Delivery Network (CDN) – Twitch

YouTube and Vimeo use their own proprietary CDNs. Trackflix leverages the same CDN infrastructure as Twitch, Amazon’s video broadcasting and live streaming platform. Twitch’s strong global infrastructure serves as a solid backbone and ensures limited exposure to network latency and distribution issues.


Trackflix provides companies with the flexibility to scale up and down based on their requirements while paying only for what they use. To further realize additional cost savings, companies could also choose to leverage a cloud cost optimization solution like the TrackIt Cost Management App.  

Who is Trackflix For? When to Choose Trackflix Over Conventional Media Distribution Platforms?

Trackflix is the ideal solution for companies or individuals looking for a self-hosted, fully customizable VOD solution.

  1. Complete control and ownership of their platform
  2. Complete control and ownership of their data and media assets
  3. Easy to use and administer
  4. Cost-effective

List of Popular OTT Alternatives

BlendVision: Enables the efficient management, delivery, and monetization of video content across multiple platforms. With features such as real-time analytics, customizable branding, and dynamic ad insertion, BlendVision helps enhance viewer experiences and drive revenue growth.

Vimeo: Helps seamlessly launch, manage, and monetize their video streaming services. With customizable apps, advanced analytics, and versatile monetization options, the solution helps deliver engaging viewing experiences while maximizing revenue potential.

Unified Streaming: Simplifies the delivery of high-quality video content across a range of devices and platforms. Its unified approach to streaming helps efficiently manage encoding, packaging, and DRM integration.

Insys:  Offers a comprehensive platform for efficient video management, delivery, and monetization across diverse streaming environments. With cutting-edge features such as adaptive streaming, content protection, and analytics, Insys helps optimize streaming workflows while ensuring secure and seamless viewing experiences.

JwPlayer: Helps effortlessly manage, distribute, and monetize video content across various platforms and devices. Offering customizable apps, advanced analytics, and flexible monetization options.

Nomad (CMS): Streamlines media management by offering intuitive tools for content management, enrichment, discovery, and distribution.

Brightcove Gallery (CMS): Helps manage, organize, and publish video assets.

Strapi: Empowers developers to construct a customized CMS from the ground up. It stands out for its flexible content modeling system, which allows developers to define and structure content types based on their specific requirements using an API-first approach.

Accedo One: Helps rapidly build, launch, and continuously grow video experiences across relevant platforms and devices.

Synamedia Clarissa: Sources and analyzes data across video platforms to guide better decision making for video service providers.

Interactive Experiences

The ability to engage audiences through interactive experiences has become an important facet of modern media and entertainment strategies, fostering deeper connections with viewers. 

Interactive experiences enhance viewer engagement, transforming passive spectators into active participants, resulting in longer viewing times and increased brand loyalty. Data generated through these interactions yields invaluable insights into audience preferences, enabling companies to refine content and tailor offerings to specific demographics. Interactive experiences also open new revenue streams, such as in-app purchases, virtual goods, and premium content, augmenting profitability.

Amazon IVS

Amazon Interactive Video Service (IVS) is a fully managed, live-video streaming solution designed for both low-latency and real-time streaming needs. It simplifies the entire streaming process, from video ingestion and transcoding to global content distribution, allowing users to concentrate on creating engaging interactive applications and enhancing the audience experience. IVS enables the effortless streaming of content without the burden of managing or developing complex components, making it a valuable resource for content creators and developers.

Amazon ChimeSDK

The Amazon Chime SDK is a set of real-time communications components that can be used to quickly add audio, video, and screen sharing capabilities to web or mobile applications. Leveraging the same communication infrastructure as Amazon Chime, an AWS-based online meeting service, it allows organizations to deliver immersive experiences within their own applications.

The solution empowers the creation of real-time media applications facilitating audio and video communication along with content sharing. Chime SDK also operates independently of Amazon Chime administrator accounts and does not disrupt Amazon Chime-hosted meetings. Instead, it equips developers with the tools to construct and personalize their unique meeting applications.

Case Study: Amazon IVS Implementation for Studio4D

Studio 4D is a digital visualization firm providing virtual 3D environments for all size architectural projects – from individual buildings to full city planning. The firm aims to help owners, developers, and future inhabitants to properly experience projects before and during their development.

The Need For A Solution That Provides an Interactive Video Experience to Large Audiences

The Studio 4D team needed a solution to provide a cloud-based virtual walkthrough experience for large audiences (500+) for its interactive demos of architectural environments created and pixel-streamed via Unreal Engine, an advanced real-time 3D creation platform that Studio 4D leverages to build its virtual environments. 

The pixel-streaming protocol used by Unreal Engine – WebRTC – is an excellent choice for interactive sessions, and Studio 4D wanted to see if there was a way to maximize it to benefit the great number of observers attending their streaming platform. Studio 4D reached out to Amazon Web Services (AWS) for help.

Media Partner with IVS Expertise

The AWS sales team searched internally for a media partner with the right expertise to implement video workloads, and if possible one with an early understanding of a new (at that point in time) streaming solution being introduced, Amazon Interactive Video Service (IVS). IVS is essentially the streaming platform that Twitch was built upon. The media team at AWS recommended TrackIt to the AWS sales team and introductions were made by all parties.

TrackIt and Studio4D quickly determined that Amazon IVS was indeed the best fit for the requirements as a backend streaming service.

Solution Architecture

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The choice for a front-end interface to Unreal Engine was still an open question. A two-track approach was taken presenting distinct options that made sense to pursue:

  1. Utilizing Zoom as the front-end interface and its ability to output RTMP (IVS’ native video input protocol)
    1. Using Zoom has several benefits; it is very easy to use, well-understood, and requires no extra infrastructure
    2. Zoom does, however, have some performance implications. It is limited to a 720p output resolution, and in practice, TrackIt found that actual streaming performance was limited to the 15 frames per second range.
  1. Implementing an AWS Fargate (Docker) instance using FFmpeg to translate WebRTC to RTMP directly from Unreal Engine itself to serve as the front-end platform.
    1. The benefits of using a direct Unreal Engine connection are Studio4D’s familiarity with its use and output at a full 1080p (or greater) at up to 60 frames per second.
    2. Challenges for this approach are the extra resources required (AWS Fargate) and some additional complexity to managing the presentations – which Studio4D and TrackIt addressed with some custom front-end GUI development.

Implementation Process

The development of a Zoom integration with IVS was a fairly straightforward task; implementing an API connection to Zoom’s RTMP output and piping it into IVS for streaming to observers. The best location to run Zoom was determined to be inside an Amazon Workspaces instance rather than on a local machine; it made for a more automated experience and somewhat reduced overall latency and improved the video performance.

For the direct Unreal Engine to IVS solution, TrackIt built an easy-to-use tool for Studio4D, creating a React application that provides the presenter with a simple web interface to create and manage their IVS streams.

The TrackIt team needed to find a means to ‘convert’ the stream coming from Unreal Engine which uses WebRTC, a modern protocol that provides a video out capability, whereas AWS IVS only supports/accepts RTMP for live streaming. A Docker container running on AWS Fargate helped address this challenge. The container connected to the live stream from Unreal Engine and used FFmpeg to broadcast the real-time audio and video of the stream in high-definition to the Amazon IVS RTMP endpoint.

Working with an AWS M&E Partner Integrator

AWS M&E partner integrators can assist in navigating the various challenges associated with the implementation and maintenance of cloud-based media workflows on AWS. 

With deep expertise in AWS, M&E partners not only offer guidance on best practices and migration strategies but also provide comprehensive managed services including monitoring, support, and optimization, allowing media companies to focus on their core business while outsourcing the technicalities of cloud management to experts.

M&E partners also play a crucial role in facilitating the relationship between AWS and end-users. Partners have extensive knowledge of AWS-based media workflows and can help clients identify funding opportunities provided by AWS. These funding programs help offset the costs associated with migrating to the cloud, making it more accessible for companies operating with stringent budgets. 

Process of Engagement

The basic process of engagement typically involves an initial consultation to understand client needs and objectives, followed by a design phase to develop a customized solution. Implementation and testing are then carried out, followed by ongoing support and maintenance to ensure that solutions remain up-to-date and effective.

CloudWise – AWS Managed Services

CloudWise, TrackIt’s AWS Managed Services offering includes a suite of services such as monitoring, optimization, and support, enabling companies to manage their AWS infrastructure with ease and efficiency. CloudWise allows customers to stay focused on their core business while TrackIt experts handle all the technicalities of cloud infrastructure management. 

Built on in-house custom monitoring software, the offering includes real-time monitoring, customized dashboards, monthly cost analysis and coverage reports, annual architecture reviews, and quarterly security assessments. Customers also benefit from 24/7/365 global support from AWS-certified TrackIt engineers working to ensure that their cloud investments are optimized to their full potential.

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Managed Services Offering Provided by AWS M&E Partner TrackIt

About TrackIt

TrackIt is an international AWS cloud consulting, systems integration, and software development firm headquartered in Marina del Rey, CA.

We have built our reputation on helping media companies architect and implement cost-effective, reliable, and scalable Media & Entertainment workflows in the cloud. These include streaming and on-demand video solutions, media asset management, and archiving, incorporating the latest AI technology to build bespoke media solutions tailored to customer requirements.

Cloud-native software development is at the foundation of what we do. We specialize in Application Modernization, Containerization, Infrastructure as Code and event-driven serverless architectures by leveraging the latest AWS services. Along with our Managed Services offerings which provide 24/7 cloud infrastructure maintenance and support, we are able to provide complete solutions for the media industry.

Links to Next Volumes

Volume 4: Content Production

Volume 5: Monetization