Gaining a Better Understanding of Their Cloud Spend

Paradox Interactive is a Swedish video-game publisher based in Stockholm.

After realizing that the sheer amount of billing data provided by AWS was almost impossible to sift through, Todd Daugherty, Senior Developer at Paradox Interactive, naturally recognized the need for a solution that would allow him to gain a better understanding of Paradox’s spend on AWS. When he first arrived at Paradox Interactive, the general consensus was that their AWS spend was great.

paradox interactive case study - logo client

However, the insights provided by TrackIt quickly helped Todd and his team realize that they were spending roughly $15,000 a month on unwanted (or unoptimized) resources on AWS.

“With TrackIt, you will definitely find out something you didn’t know. If you’re spending over $10,000 a month. You’re going to find out that maybe you don’t need to be spending anywhere near that. And it’s not going to take a long time for you to do that. And that’s huge!” – Todd Daugherty

Depth of Expertise & Attention to Detail

Todd found the depth of TrackIt’s team’s expertise in AWS to be quite impressive, especially when it came to going the extra mile and fleshing out ideas that require specific technical expertise. Todd appreciated how TrackIt’s team often paid attention to details that others may not have considered.

“[Ludo and his team] pick up on things that others might have overlooked. Sometimes I’ll have a little nugget of a good idea, but I don’t have the time to refine it. Even though I may have initiated it, I don’t take it as far as they do. And to have somebody who has got my back and who can make that happen is huge.” – Todd Daugherty

Increased Confidence

Paradox Interactive is currently working on automating everything on AWS, and the added visibility provided by TrackIt is facilitating the process. Todd found TrackIt’s AI platform to be easy to deal with and use.

Equipped with TrackIt and the insights it provides, Todd and his team are moving forward with the confidence and understanding that they can do a lot more than what they previously expected.

“You don’t really know what you’re looking at until you’ve looked at it through TrackIt’s eyes.”

– Todd Daugherty

Paradox Interactive’s Challenge(s):

● Unidentified ‘leaks’ in their budget. Roughly $15,000 per month in unwanted expenses

● Inability to accurately predict AWS cloud costs with the pricing calculator

● The need to gain a better understanding and more control over the money being spent on AWS


TrackIt’s Resource & Cost Optimization AI


● Increased Visibility: Accurate information on how and where money is being spent on AWS

● Unwanted expenses identified

● Improved resource & cost optimization on AWS

● More control over resources deployed in AWS

● Increased confidence in AWS usage

● More time saved

About TrackIt

TrackIt, an Amazon Web Services Advanced Consulting Partner based in Marina del Rey, CA, offers a range of cloud management, consulting, and software development solutions. Their expertise includes Modern Software Development, DevOps, Infrastructure-As-Code, Serverless, CI/CD, and Containerization, with a focus on Media & Entertainment workflows, High-Performance Computing environments, and data storage.

TrackIt excels in cutting-edge software design, particularly in the areas of containerization, serverless architectures, and pipeline development. The company’s team of experts can help you design and deploy a custom solution tailored to your specific needs.

In addition to cloud management and modern software development services, TrackIt also provides an open-source AWS cost management tool to help users optimize their costs and resources on the platform. With its innovative approach and expertise, TrackIt is the ideal partner for organizations seeking to maximize the potential of their cloud infrastructure.

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