Written by Adithya Bodi, Demand Generation Manager

The migration of applications and workloads to the cloud has become a critical step for businesses aiming to enhance their agility, scalability, and cost-efficiency. Among the leading cloud service providers, Amazon Web Services (AWS) stands out for its comprehensive suite of services and global infrastructure. 

Nevertheless, AWS migrations are seldom straightforward and frequently necessitate thorough deliberation and planning. The subsequent sections aim to provide a comprehensive overview of successful AWS migration strategies.

Preparing for Migration

Assessing Your Current Environment

Inventory of Existing Assets: Documenting all existing applications, services, and data that will be migrated is a crucial initial step in the migration process. This inventory will serve as a comprehensive catalog, aiding in the identification of critical components and their associated configurations. This step will provide a baseline for measuring the completeness of the migration and serves as a reference point for post-migration validation.

Performance Analysis: Evaluating the performance characteristics and resource utilization of current infrastructure helps in understanding how applications and workloads behave in their current environment. This analysis can uncover performance bottlenecks, over-provisioned resources or underutilized assets, and guide optimization efforts and resource allocation decisions during migration. It also ensures that performance expectations are met or improved upon after the AWS migration is complete.

Identifying Dependencies: Recognizing dependencies between applications and services is a critical aspect of migration planning. This process ensures a smooth and coordinated transition to AWS, as it helps in understanding how different components interact within an environment. Uncovering dependencies helps prioritize which applications or services need to be migrated first, ensuring that dependent systems are not disrupted. Additionally, this information aids in designing the architecture within AWS. This allows for the creation of appropriate network connections and integration points, and maintains seamless interactions between dependent components during and after migration.

Setting Migration Goals and KPIs

Clearly defined migration objectives, such as optimizing infrastructure costs, enhancing scalability, or fortifying security measures serve as the guiding principles throughout the migration process. These objectives align the AWS migration effort with broader business goals and provide a framework for decision-making at each stage of the migration journey. Concurrently, establishing key performance indicators (KPIs) assists in quantitatively assessing the success of the migration, as well as enabling data-driven refinements and ensuring that the anticipated benefits are delivered.

Budgeting and Cost Estimation

The creation of a comprehensive budget is critical to ensuring a successful migration. The budget should not only include immediate costs associated with migration but also ongoing operational expenses within the AWS environment. This holistic financial perspective aids in avoiding unexpected financial burdens, and facilitates effective resource allocation. Additionally, cost estimation should consider factors such as data transfer, storage, and potential usage spikes, ensuring that the budget aligns with the long-term financial strategy of the organization.

Building a Skilled Migration Team

Forming a proficient AWS migration team equipped with expertise in AWS services, migration tools, and project management is fundamental to the success of the migration initiative. The collective knowledge and skills offered by the team will ensure efficient decision-making, risk mitigation, and problem resolution throughout the migration process. Alternatively, organizations may opt to seek external assistance such as engaging with AWS-certified partners with a proven track record of completing complex migrations. This approach helps leverage the specialized knowledge and experience, navigate potential challenges, and accelerate the AWS migration timeline.

AWS Migration Strategies

Rehost (Lift and Shift)

Rehosting represents a straightforward approach to migration, involving the movement of applications to AWS without significant modifications. This strategy is particularly beneficial for organizations seeking a rapid migration option, as it minimizes the complexities associated with application code changes. It is well-suited for legacy applications or projects with tight timelines, allowing businesses to leverage AWS infrastructure quickly.

Challenges and Considerations: Despite its expediency, rehosting presents certain limitations. It provides limited opportunities for optimization, potentially resulting in suboptimal resource utilization and higher operational costs in the AWS environment. Organizations adopting this strategy should be prepared to conduct post-migration optimizations to fully realize the benefits of AWS.

Replatform (Lift, Tinker, and Shift)

Replatforming strikes a balance between migration speed and improvement potential. It allows organizations to make minor optimizations during migration while avoiding the complexity of completely rearchitecting solutions. This strategy is suitable for applications where moderate improvements can be implemented, such as performance enhancements or cost reductions without the need for extensive code refactoring.

Challenges and Considerations: Replatforming requires meticulous planning to ensure compatibility between the existing application and AWS services. It demands a thorough understanding of the application architecture and dependencies to minimize disruptions during the migration process. The trade-offs between migration speed and the benefits of optimization must be carefully evaluated when considering this strategy.


Refactoring represents a strategic approach to migration, involving the comprehensive redesign of applications to align with cloud-native architecture principles. This strategy offers the potential for substantial improvements in performance, scalability, and cost-efficiency. It is ideal for applications requiring a complete transformation to fully harness the advantages of cloud-native technologies.

Challenges and Considerations: Refactoring demands a significant investment of time and resources due to the redesign and code reengineering involved. However, it offers long-term benefits in terms of enhanced agility, reduced operational costs, and improved customer experience. The trade-offs between upfront investment and long-term gains should be carefully assessed before adopting this strategy.

Rearchitect (Rebuild)

Rearchitecting involves rebuilding applications from the ground up, taking full advantage of the capabilities for innovation and efficiency offered by AWS. This strategy is particularly beneficial for organizations committed to modernization, enabling them to create cloud-native applications that deliver superior performance, scalability, and flexibility.

Challenges and Considerations: Rearchitecting represents the highest level of effort and cost among migration strategies. It necessitates a complete redevelopment of applications, which can be resource-intensive and time-consuming. However, the rewards include the highest potential for optimization and innovation, and thus making it a compelling choice for long-term competitiveness.


Retiring involves identifying and decommissioning legacy systems and applications that are no longer needed or have become redundant. This strategy streamlines the IT landscape, reducing operational overhead, and minimizing security risks associated with maintaining obsolete systems. It also allows for the reallocation of resources toward more critical business functions and modernization efforts.

AWS Migration Tools and Services

AWS Migration Hub

AWS Migration Hub serves as a central management and tracking platform for monitoring the progress of multiple migration projects within an organization. It provides a unified view of the migration status, including resource discovery, tracking of task completion, and reporting on key metrics. This consolidation of information enhances visibility and simplifies the management of complex migration initiatives. This ensures that stakeholders can make informed decisions and mitigate potential issues effectively.

AWS Database Migration Service (DMS)

AWS Database Migration Service is a valuable tool for migrating databases to AWS with minimal downtime. It supports various database engines, and enables seamless data replication and schema conversion. DMS simplifies the migration process by automating many tasks, reducing the risk of data loss, and ensuring data consistency during and after migration. This service is particularly advantageous for businesses aiming to maintain data availability and integrity while transitioning to the AWS cloud.

AWS Application Migration Service 

AWS Application Migration Service enables the migration of on-premises applications to AWS, streamlining the process of transitioning existing workloads to the cloud. It offers automation features for server discovery, server replication, and orchestration of the migration workflow. AWS Application Migration Service is an ideal solution for reducing the complexity of server migrations, minimizing downtime, and optimizing resource allocation in AWS, making it a valuable tool for efficient infrastructure migration.

AWS Snow Family

The AWS Snow Family encompasses physical devices designed for offline data transfer to AWS. These devices, including Snowball and Snowmobile are particularly useful when migrating large volumes of data that would be impractical to transfer over the internet due to time or bandwidth constraints. They facilitate secure and efficient data transfer, allowing the seamless movement of substantial datasets to AWS, thereby accelerating the migration process for data-intensive workloads.

Third-Party Migration Tools

In addition to the native migration services offered by AWS, third-party migration tools and services offering specialized capabilities can also be considered. These tools often cater to specific use cases or provide advanced features that may align more closely with an organization’s migration requirements. Third-party solutions can be particularly valuable for complex migrations, data transformations, or unique application architectures, and provide flexibility and customization options to meet diverse migration needs.

Best Practices for a Smooth Migration

Developing a Detailed Migration Plan

Creating a step-by-step AWS migration plan is crucial to ensure the orderly execution of the migration process. This plan should encompass not only the technical aspects but also the timelines, responsibilities, and dependencies involved. A well-structured plan provides a roadmap for the migration team. This facilitates effective coordination, risk mitigation, and the ability to adapt to unexpected challenges during the migration.

Minimizing Downtime and Disruptions

Minimizing downtime is paramount during the migration process to avoid disruptions in business operations. Leveraging Amazon Elastic Load Balancer can distribute incoming traffic across multiple instances, and enhance application availability. Implementing strategies such as blue-green deployments and canary testing allows for the testing and validating of new environments before a full switch over, reducing the impact of unforeseen issues on users.

Ensuring Data Security and Compliance

Maintaining data security and compliance is a critical consideration throughout the migration process. Encryption can be employed for data at rest and in transit using AWS functionalities and services such as Amazon S3 Server-Side Encryption and AWS Key Management Service (KMS). Additionally, Access controls such as IAM (Identity and Access Management) policies are configured to restrict access to authorized personnel, and ensure data integrity.

Monitoring and Optimization

Continuous monitoring of AWS resources is essential for identifying performance bottlenecks, cost inefficiencies, and security vulnerabilities. Leveraging AWS services such as Amazon CloudWatch helps collect and analyze data from the infrastructure. Regularly reviewing performance metrics and cost reports allows for proactive optimization efforts, ensuring that resources are used efficiently and costs are controlled within the AWS environment.

Testing and Validation

Thoroughly testing and validating migrated applications and services is a fundamental best practice to ensure they function as expected in the AWS environment. This process should include functional testing, performance testing, and security testing to identify and resolve any issues or vulnerabilities. By conducting comprehensive testing and validation, organizations will instill confidence in the reliability and functionality of their applications post-migration, reducing the risk of post-migration disruptions and user dissatisfaction.

Post-Migration Considerations

Managing AWS Resources Effectively

Effective resource management in the post-migration environment involves establishing clear ownership and governance structures within the organization. By assigning responsibility for AWS resource oversight and enforcing tagging policies, administrators  can help control costs and improve resource visibility. Regularly auditing resource usage and rightsizing instances based on actual needs will ensure that resources are used efficiently, minimizing unnecessary expenditures.

Cost Optimization Strategies

To maximize cost savings in the post-migration phase, a combination of AWS cost optimization tools and practices can be employed. These include leveraging AWS Trusted Advisor to identify cost optimization opportunities, implementing Auto-Scaling to match resource capacity with workload demand, and utilizing Reserved Instances or Savings Plans to reduce compute costs. Implementing a culture of cost awareness and accountability among internal teams can further encourage cost-conscious decision-making.

Ongoing Monitoring and Maintenance

Establishing a proactive monitoring and maintenance process is essential for the continued health and performance of the AWS environment. This includes continuous monitoring of system performance and security, as well as regular patch management and updates to ensure that the environment remains secure and compliant. Automated monitoring and alerting coupled with incident response procedures, helps detect and address issues promptly, minimizing potential downtime and disruptions.

Implementing a Robust Disaster Recovery Plan

Incorporating a disaster recovery plan is pivotal to ensuring business continuity and safeguarding critical assets in the face of unforeseen disruptions. This involves setting up a strategy that ensures data backup, system recovery, and continuity of operations in the event of system failures, data corruption, or other catastrophic events. Utilizing AWS-native disaster recovery tools such as AWS Elastic Disaster Recovery and AWS Backup can facilitate rapid recovery of data and applications. Moreover, it is essential to regularly test the disaster recovery plan to ensure its effectiveness and to make any necessary adjustments based on the test results. This proactive approach not only helps protect sensitive data but also aids in resuming operations swiftly. This will minimize the downtime and financial repercussions associated with disasters. It is advisable to design a disaster recovery plan that aligns with the organization’s risk management policy and complies with industry-specific regulatory requirements to foster a resilient and secure AWS environment.

Scaling and Future-Proofing

Planning for scalability and future growth is a strategic consideration in the post-migration phase. This may involve adopting containerization or serverless computing to ensure agility and efficiency. Additionally, staying informed about AWS service updates and advancements helps take advantage of new features and innovations, and ensures that AWS environments remain aligned with emerging business needs and technology trends.

Common Challenges and How to Overcome Them

Data Migration Challenges

Addressing data migration complexities requires a comprehensive data migration plan that includes data profiling and mapping. It is essential to identify data dependencies and data format compatibility between source and target systems. Data validation and verification processes can assist in maintaining data integrity during the migration process. 

Application Compatibility Issues

Mitigating application compatibility issues entails conducting a thorough application assessment before migration. This includes identifying application dependencies and evaluating the compatibility of software versions with AWS services. To overcome challenges, containerization or refactoring can be considered to modernize legacy applications. Additionally, implementing a phased migration approach, such as a canary deployment, allows for testing and validation of applications in the AWS environment, minimizing compatibility risks.

Security and Compliance Concerns

Addressing security and compliance concerns involves a multi-faceted approach. Regular security audits and vulnerability assessments are essential for identifying and remedying security gaps. Compliance frameworks such as AWS’s Shared Responsibility Model provide guidance for meeting regulatory requirements, while AWS Config and AWS CloudTrail offer monitoring and auditing capabilities to maintain security and compliance post-migration.

Change Management and Resistance

Effectively managing organizational change and overcoming resistance to AWS migration efforts requires clear communication and stakeholder engagement. Developing a change management strategy that includes communication plans, training programs, and involvement of key stakeholders helps ensure alignment with migration goals. Concerns can be addressed proactively by highlighting the benefits of migration, fostering a culture of adaptability, and providing ongoing support to employees during the transition. Additionally, regularly soliciting feedback and making adjustments based on user experiences helps reinforce positive change management practices.


AWS Migrations offer a myriad of benefits, including enhanced agility, scalability, cost-efficiency, and access to a comprehensive suite of services and global infrastructure. For companies embarking on this journey, it is advisable to engage the expertise of an AWS Partner like TrackIt that has achieved the Migration Competency. 

Partners that have achieved the AWS Migration Competency have demonstrated the knowledge, experience, and proven track record necessary to execute successful migrations. With their guidance, organizations can seamlessly navigate the complexities of migration, mitigate risks, and unlock the full potential of AWS.

About TrackIt

TrackIt is an international AWS cloud consulting, systems integration, and software development firm headquartered in Marina del Rey, CA.

We have built our reputation on helping media companies architect and implement cost-effective, reliable, and scalable Media & Entertainment workflows in the cloud. These include streaming and on-demand video solutions, media asset management, and archiving, incorporating the latest AI technology to build bespoke media solutions tailored to customer requirements.

Cloud-native software development is at the foundation of what we do. We specialize in Application Modernization, Containerization, Infrastructure as Code and event-driven serverless architectures by leveraging the latest AWS services. Along with our Managed Services offerings which provide 24/7 cloud infrastructure maintenance and support, we are able to provide complete solutions for the media industry.

About Adithya Bodi

Adithya Photo 1

Having spent over 6 years as a consultant working with companies spanning a broad variety of tech niches, Adithya has gained deep expertise in planning and executing content marketing and lead generation strategies. Adithya has been working with TrackIt since 2018 and has taken on a full-time position to assist the company in its growth while deepening his knowledge and expertise in AWS.

Adithya has a bachelor’s degree in Applied Physics and is an AWS Certified Solutions Architect Associate. He is also an avid calisthenics practitioner, a stock market enthusiast, and a recreational painter.