About Autodesk Flame

Autodesk Flame is an industry-leading 3D compositing, visual effects, and editorial finishing tool complete with an integrated environment for accelerating creative workflows. Flame provides artists and editors with the freedom to make creative decisions without getting bogged down by the technical hurdles of post-production.


Autodesk Flame is often used in multiple post-production applications: 

  • Building complex 3D environments with an intuitive node-based compositing system
  • Creating AI-powered VFX for commercials, films, and TV episodes 
  • Finishing, with a robust, integrated color grading toolset


Flame 2023 accelerates post-production workflows with an expanded list of key features:

  • 3D compositing toolset
  • Next-generation camera tracking
  • Timeline editing tools
  • Machine learning segmentation
  • MasterGrade creative color tool
  • Explorer grade bin
  • Integrated finishing core toolset
  • NDI video preview streaming
  • Dolby Vision HDR content tools

What are the Benefits of Flame on the Cloud?

  • Rapid Deployment: With the help of an Autodesk Services Partner like TrackIt, companies can have Flame workstations running on the AWS cloud within hours.
  • Ease of Collaboration: Deploying Flame on the cloud enables studios and artists to work remotely. Since the COVID-19 pandemic, studios are now looking to adopt a hybrid on-premise plus cloud approach. This provides faster collaboration with remotely-located artists who might only require access to workstations for short periods.
  • Cost Effectiveness: Rather than incurring upfront hardware costs, Flame on AWS provides studios and artists with an on-demand, pay-as-you-go model for their high-end workstations. 

Setting up a Rudimentary Flame Environment on the Cloud – 4 Steps

Step #1: Create a Flame Amazon Machine Image (AMI)

  • Autodesk provides a Rocky Linux 8.5 AMI ready to install Flame.
  • The AMI needs to be imported to an AWS account and configured with Flame and other software needed by artists and editors. In this example, the choice has been made to also set up a remote streaming protocol solution.
  • The configured AMI enables the creation of as many Flame instances as required.

Step #2: Set up a Virtual Private Cloud (VPC)

  • This step consists of setting up the inbound network security rules for Flame.
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Inbound Network Security Rules

  • A security group can also be created for the chosen remote streaming protocol solution.

Step #3: Storage Setup

  • This step varies for each installation and depends on the designated global workflow. The following scenario is an example of a typical workstation-local storage volume setup with a standalone Flame workstation.

Storage Volume Setup ExampleOcMVOvKFjFLynqlZ4Ewc2dUJOB2OecPOd2TbEBxLJJeJDuBARrRkUl21g toxMD1H60eIZ8nXYeHomaP3J6n BQFVqVAHhgglnyjefohwOobq2CnIr3u0YoVfXzN8W3hv6vda1Dzj8hYxggQfkpdz Ig6k Bj5Q310sfiArg5mh8JIMteppE

  • The following volumes have been used:
    • 1 x gp2 volume for the operating system
    • 4 x 2 TB st1 volumes in RAID0 for the media storage
    • 1 x gp3 volume for a dedicated content ingestion drive

Step #4: Project Server Setup

  • A project server facilitates collaboration and simplifies project management by eliminating the creation of project data on Flame, Flare, or Flame Assist instances. The project data is stored on a centralized project server.
  • The following is a requirement overview for implementing a Project Server:
    • Set up the project server AMI and instance on AWS
    • Connect to the instance through a command line interface
    • Add some additional storage for project metadata
    • Configure a project server instance
    • Configure the networked storage for the instance

How TrackIt can Help

Despite its crucial role in the post-production process, Autodesk Flame can be just a piece of the overall post-production puzzle. Shared storage, User Identity and Access Management (IAM) and Authentication, transcode pipelines, data transfer mechanisms, etc. are all additional functions often required for a complete workflow. TrackIt, an official Autodesk Services Partner can assist companies in quickly setting up and deploying a full pipeline with Autodesk Flame on the AWS cloud along with all the workflows and processes required for seamless post-production. 

TrackIt’s extensive experience and proven track record of implementing cloud solutions for the media and entertainment industry coupled with its Autodesk expertise make it the ideal choice for companies in the M&E vertical looking to integrate Flame into their workflows. 

TrackIt can be found on the Autodesk Partner Portal: Link to TrackIt Autodesk Partner Page 

About TrackIt

TrackIt is an international AWS cloud consulting, systems integration, and software development firm headquartered in Marina del Rey, CA.

We have built our reputation on helping media companies architect and implement cost-effective, reliable, and scalable Media & Entertainment workflows in the cloud. These include streaming and on-demand video solutions, media asset management, and archiving, incorporating the latest AI technology to build bespoke media solutions tailored to customer requirements.

Cloud-native software development is at the foundation of what we do. We specialize in Application Modernization, Containerization, Infrastructure as Code and event-driven serverless architectures by leveraging the latest AWS services. Along with our Managed Services offerings which provide 24/7 cloud infrastructure maintenance and support, we are able to provide complete solutions for the media industry.