Looking For a

Better CDN?

Here’s What You Need to Know


Do these content delivery obstacles sound familiar?


Expensive pricing plans 


Limited caching and delivery rules


Inconsistent performance across regions


Restrictive content type and usage policies


Security concerns and insufficient encryption


Plateaued audience growth and engagement


Insufficient integration with cloud services


Confusing and limited analytics 


Slow or inadequate customer support

A tailored AWS content delivery solution could be the answer


TrackIt can help you implement Amazon CloudFront, ensuring fast, secure, and reliable distribution of your content. Our expertise in AWS services and custom software development ensures seamless integration with third-party applications, providing a solution tailored to your business needs.


Design & Deploy

Optimize your infrastructure for performance, scalability, security, and cost-efficiency. Our team will design and deploy a content delivery strategy that meets your unique requirements, ensuring effective content management and delivery.


Funding & Credits

Access funding and credits through the AWS Migration Acceleration Program (MAP) to offset your migration costs. TrackIt can help you leverage these programs to ensure a smooth and cost-effective transition to AWS.

How do Popular CDNs Stack Up Against CloudFront?

cloudflare akamai fastly cloudfront 1
Pricing Offers different fixed-price tiers alongside a free tier.check small Pay-as-you-go pricing with custom enterprise options.check small Pay-as-you-go pricing with custom enterprise options.check small Pay-as-you-go based on usage with a free tier. Private pricing for companies at scale.checkplus small
Performance Broad global coverage with over 275 data centers.check small
Extensive global network with over 4,100 locationscheck small High-performance network with over 75 points of presence.check small Integrated with AWS infrastructure, with over 410 global Points of Presence (PoPs).checkplus small
Security Advanced security features including DDoS protection, Web Application Firewall (WAF), and SSL.check small Advanced security features including DDoS protection, Web Application Firewall (WAF), and SSL.check small Advanced security features including DDoS protection, Web Application Firewall (WAF), and SSL.check small Highly configurable advanced security features including DDoS protection, Web Application Firewall (WAF), and SSL.checkplus small
Ease of Use User-friendly dashboard with simplified setup.check small Dashboard with enterprise-level management tools.check small Interface with real-time logging and configuration.check small Seamless integration with AWS services, managed via the AWS Management Console.checkplus small
Customization Customizable rules and settings through a user-friendly interface.check small Customization options with edge computing capabilities.check small Customization through edge compute services and real-time updates.check small Extensive customization options through AWS Lambda@Edge, CloudFront functions, and API integration.checkplus small
Analytics Real-time analytics and logging for performance and security.check small Analytics and real-time monitoring tools.check small Real-time logging and in-depth analytics.check small Detailed monitoring and logging through Amazon CloudWatch.checkplus small
Caching Flexible caching controls with intelligent tiered caching.check small

Caching controls with support for multiple cache hierarchies.check small

Real-time cache purging and flexible caching options.check small Granular cache control, including cache invalidation and query string whitelisting.checkplus small
Integration Integrates with various third-party services and platforms.check small Integrates with various third-party services and platforms.check small Integrates with various third-party services and platforms.check small Deep integration with AWS ecosystem and services.checkplus small
Support Community support, paid support plans available.check small Support plans including 24/7 customer service and technical assistance.check small Support plans with dedicated customer service and technical assistancecheck small AWS Support plans ranging from basic to enterprise-level.checkplus small

Where do you start?


1. Schedule a Discovery Meeting

The migration process begins with a discovery meeting with TrackIt.


2. Infrastructure Assessment

This session allows our team to assess your infrastructure requirements, pain points, and current infrastructure.


3. Identify Funding Opportunities

We can help you identify the best-fit AWS funding opportunities to implement the optimal future state architecture.


4. Implementation & Testing

Our team will set up the CloudFront configuration, migrating your content and ensuring all components function correctly. Comprehensive testing will be conducted to verify performance and reliability.


How long will the migration take?

The exact duration of a migration depends on the complexity of the features being implemented and the volume of content to be migrated. The average migration typically takes around 4-6 weeks.

How much will the migration cost?

Migration costs vary based on factors such as data volume, feature set, and AWS services used. As an AWS Migration Acceleration Program (MAP) Partner, TrackIt can help you access funds to offset migration costs, ensuring a cost-effective transition. Migrations typically cost anywhere from $14,000 to $50,000.

What is expected of me/my team?

Your team will need to provide access to current data, coordinate with migration specialists, and perform validation checks post-migration to ensure everything runs smoothly.

Will I need to reconfigure my content?

Reconfiguration may be necessary for certain workflows, such as advanced caching rules or security settings. However, for most standard content delivery setups, minimal reconfiguration is required.

Will migrating to AWS save me money?

AWS may not be the most cost-effective solution for small companies seeking straightforward content delivery. However, for larger enterprises or those needing a scalable and customizable solution, AWS can provide significant cost savings and performance enhancements.

How do I start?

The migration process begins with a discovery meeting with TrackIt. This session allows our team to assess your infrastructure requirements, pain points, and current infrastructure. It also allows us to identify the best-fit AWS funding opportunities for the optimal future state architecture.

How do I handle international distribution?

AWS’s global network, including Amazon CloudFront’s extensive Points of Presence (PoPs), ensures efficient and reliable international content distribution.

How do I manage my content?

AWS offers various content management solutions such as Amazon S3 for scalable storage, AWS Elemental for media processing, and Amazon CloudFront for content delivery. TrackIt also offers Trackflix, an open-source content management solution built on AWS, tailored to manage media assets efficiently.

Does TrackIt offer support?

TrackIt provides comprehensive development, deployment, and optimization services for your AWS infrastructure. Our optional Managed Services offering includes up to 24/7 cloud infrastructure maintenance and support, ensuring continuous performance and reliability.